Weekend readings - 4 Feb'22 : Edition 75
A compilation of few interesting, multi-disciplinary links from the internet
“Closely related to our preference for compelling narratives is the human tendency for self-deception. Since humans are adept at detecting the ‘tells’ that others are lying, the ability to deceive oneself eliminates the tells, and so makes one a better deceiver.” —William J. Bernstein (“The Delusions Of Crowds”)
Section 1 - Investing & Personal Finance
Market is an expensive place to find out who you are - By Michael Batnick
The Two Things to Do When the Stock Market Gets Crazy - by Jason Zweig
Why competitive advantages die - by Morgan Housel
Section 2 - Economic Trends & Themes
Bubble in the Canadian Housing market
Luxury brands are creating scarcity in the digital market
Section 3 - Personality study & Development
High cost of an easy Job - by Nick Maggiulli
Section 4 - Business History & management
Why Mcdonald’s is essentially a real estate company
Nationalization did not killed Air India, politics did - by Vir Sanghi
Section 5 - Reading & Entertainment
Westland publishers was a bubble waiting to be burst
Birju Maharaj legacy in Indian Cinema
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[Now reading - Book 6 of 2022] : Desperately seeking SRK by Shrayana Bhattacharya
[Now Listening] : It started with a text by Helly Shah
That's it for me. Have a great weekend ahead!
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