Weekend readings - 24 Sept, 2021 : Edition 60
A compilation of few interesting, multi-disciplinary links from the internet
“It’s the future that counts. It’s like what I wrote there, what Wayne Gretzky says, to go where the puck is going to be, not where it is. So, the current multiple interacts with the reinvestment of capital and the rate at which that capital’s invested, to determine the attractiveness of something now. And we are affected in that valuation process to a considerable degree by interest rates, but not by whether they’re 7.3, or 7.0, or 7.5. But I mean, we’ll be thinking much differently if long-term rates are 11 percent or 5 percent. But we don’t have any magic multiples in mind. We want to be in the business that 10 years from now is earning a whole lot more money than it is now, and that we will still feel good about the prospects of the business at that time. That’s the kind of business we’re trying to buy all of, and that’s the kind of business that we try and buy part of.” —Warren Buffett (1995)
Section 1 - Investing & Personal Finance
Are we on to a global stock market bubble?
Does equity investing works for you?
Section 2 - Economic Trends & Themes
Odd Lots Podcast: Understanding Evergrande, the Chinese RE Conglomerate
Evergrande is not the problem, but the symptom of China new strategy
Section 3 - Personality study & Development
How to Defeat Distraction by Mastering Internal Triggers
Section 4 - Business History & management
Women Tuk-Tuk driver in Sri Lanka
Section 5 - Sports & Entertainment
England withdrawal a slap to Pakistan’s cricket
Now listening : Sarfaroshi ki Tamanna by Piyush Mishra
Check out our Portfolios - Special Situations and India Opportunities Strategy on the Smallcase platform.
That's it for me. Have a great weekend ahead!
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