Weekend readings - 17 Sept'22 : Ed. 104
A compilation of few interesting, multi-disciplinary links from the internet
“We ought, therefore, to bring ourselves to believe that all the vices of the crowd are, not hateful, but ridiculous, and to imitate Democritus rather than Heraclitus. For the latter, whenever he went forth into public, used to weep, the former to laugh; to the one all human doings seemed to be miseries, to the other follies. And so we ought to adopt a lighter view of things, and put up with them in an indulgent spirit; it is more human to laugh at life than to lament over it. Add, too, that he deserves better of the human race also who laughs at it than he who bemoans it; for the one allows it some measure of good hope, while the other foolishly weeps over things that he despairs of seeing corrected.” —Seneca
Section 1 - Investing & Personal Finance
My 30 investment lessons learned [LINK]
Section 2 - Economic Trends & Themes
It always starts with inflation - by Ray Dalio [LINK]
The world’s biggest bet on India [LINK]
Section 3 - Personality study & Development
25 Habits That Will Guarantee You Success - by Ryan Holiday [LINK]
Your career is just one-eighth of your life [LINK]
Section 4 - Business History & management
The energy historian who says rapid decarbonization is a fantasy [LINK]
Section 5 - Reading & Entertainment
10 timeless lessons from 10 non-fiction books [LINK]
The Anti-smartphone revolution [LINK]
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That's it for me. Have a great weekend ahead!
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