Weekend readings - 17 Mar'22 : Edition 80
A compilation of few interesting, multi-disciplinary links from the internet
जब अनेकानेक रगं इस तरह से मिलें कि अपनी एकल पहचान पूर्णतः खो दे, वही अद्भुत समागम होली है। आइए कामना करें कि श्री राधा समस्त मानवता को अहं व द्वेष पर विजय कर, प्रेम, त्याग व समरसता को आत्मसात करने की प्रेरणा दे, ताकि हमारा पूर्ण जीवन हर्षित व उल्लासमय रहे।
आप सभी को होली की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं।
“The confidence we experience as we make a judgment is not a reasoned evaluation of the probability that it is right. Confidence is a feeling, one determined mostly by the coherence of the story and by the ease with which it comes to mind, even when the evidence for the story is sparse and unreliable. The bias toward coherence favors overconfidence. An individual who expresses high confidence probably has a good story, which may or may not be true.” —Daniel Kahneman
Section 1 - Investing & Personal Finance
The Secret to Braving a Wild Market - by Jason Zweig (LINK)
Scuttlebutt with investors (LINK)
Musings of Munger (LINK)
Section 2 - Economic Trends & Themes
Sanctions and the spectre of deglobalisation - by Shankar Aiyar (LINK)
Consequences of Russia-Ukraine war - by Manish Bhandari (LINK)
Section 3 - Personality study & Development
Why we continue doing something even if it gives undesirable results? (LINK)
Section 4 - Business History & management
How a technical glitch allowed free food on a weekend in India (LINK)
Section 5 - Reading & Entertainment
Why Ukraine President is not a hero (LINK)
50 years of Godfather - Podcast by Jai Arjun Singh and V.Motwane (LINK)
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[Now watching] : Sasta Shark Tank [Absolutely hilarious!]
[Now reading] : Non-consensus Investing by Rupal Bhansali (LINK)
That's it for me. Have a great weekend ahead!
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