Weekend Bulletin - 8 Oct'22 : Ed. 107
A compilation of few interesting, multi-disciplinary links from the internet
“In our opinion, in dealing with mistakes the best state of mind is non-judgmental forgiveness. Parents will recognise that if their child thinks right, they will make mistakes, work it out for themselves and learn. They do not need to be judged or punished: instead, they need support, from themselves and others. If they do learn, then the mistakes are likely to be small compared to the value of what has been learnt. In investment terms, once lessons have been learnt, mistakes can be put on a price earnings ratio of one and the resultant, conditioned, good behaviour on a ratio of more than one. In other words, mistakes become net present value positive.… I have made lots of mistakes. Sometimes we made the mistakes ourselves. Sometimes we learnt from others. Sometimes they were direct investment mistakes. Sometimes they were part of growing up (look out for those private mistakes, they are full of investment lessons). But there they are. Warts and all. This is how life is. We do not justify them, but we do not condemn them either. Indeed, they are best not judged. Our model is to learn from our mistakes and what we learn we hope to give to you, in better performance results.” —Nick Sleep (2007 Annual Letter)
Section 1 - Investing & Personal Finance
Thinking about the next Warren Buffet [LINK]
Expectations (Five Short Stories) - by Morgan Housel [LINK]
Section 2 - Economic Trends & Themes
Making Sense of Xi Jinping’s China : FF Masterclass [LINK]
The Economist podcast series on Xi Jinping : The Prince [LINK]
Section 3 - Personality study & Development
Are you a different person at work or at home? [LINK]
Section 4 - Business History & management
The pandemic legacy is already clear [LINK]
The family that built a Nachos monopoly [LINK]
Operation Barbarossa: Hitler's failed invasion of Russia [LINK]
Section 5 - Sports, literature & Entertainment
Jadoo: The Magic Of First Meetings [LINK]
Play because you are a girl - Story of Pakistan’s Noorena Shams [LINK]
Now reading : Book 45 of 2022 : The rape of Nanking - The forgotten Holocaust of WW2 [LINK]
Now watching : Eat the rich - Gamestop Saga on Netflix [LINK]
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That's it for me. Have a great weekend ahead!
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