Weekend Bulletin - 6th Oct'24 : Ed. 192
A compilation of few interesting, multi-disciplinary links from the internet
“I think probably the most common mistake is trying to be consistent. What happens is you get an idea, you sell people on the idea—investors, the employees—and you get into it and the idea turns out to be wrong. But you want to be consistent and you hold onto it longer than you should…It’s better to be right than consistent. And that’s a very hard thing to learn, particularly early in life.” —Ben Horowitz
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Sept’24 review of our equity research strategy- Special Situation & Wealth Compounders [We have initiated 4 new stock position in FC WC and 2 new positions in FCSS in the month of September. Visit www.fintrekkcapital.com for more details]
Like Tears in Rain - Story of IBM [LINK]
How US lost the solar power race to China [LINK]
Meet Kanpur’s richest man - a detergent maker [LINK]
The Florida land bubble and lessons for investors [LINK]
Brand name lessons from Nike - by Ashwath Damodaran [LINK]
When to do what you love - by Paul Graham [LINK]
To scale to $100M ARR, "Owner Mode" beats "Founder Mode" [LINK]
That's it for me. Have a great weekend ahead!
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