Weekend Bulletin - 21 May'23 : Ed. 137
A compilation of few interesting, multi-disciplinary links from the internet
“To look at the per-share earnings by themselves and give the earnings of four or five years ago any significance is like trying to get useful work from an engine which is unconnected to any device to which that engine’s power is supposed to be applied. Just knowing, by itself, that four or five years ago a company’s per-share earnings were either four times or a quarter of this year’s earnings has almost no significance in indicating whether a particular stock should be bought or sold. Again, what counts is knowledge of background conditions. An understanding of what probably will happen over the next several years is of overriding importance.” —Phil Fisher
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Section 1 - Investing & Personal Finance
The seven virtues of great investors - by Jason Zweig [LINK]
Section 2 - Economic Trends & Themes
Why certain white collar jobs not likely to return? [LINK]
India’s quest to build world’s largest solar farms [LINK]
How Ghana’s economy became a cautionary tale for Africa [LINK]
Section 3 - Personality study & Development
Do Schools kill creativity? [LINK]
The good side of Stress [LINK]
Section 4 - Business History & management
The billion dollar Ponzi Scheme that hooked Buffet and US treasury [LINK]
The plot to steal the secret inside a Coke can [LINK]
Section 5 - Sports, literature & Entertainment
Cringe filled entertainment can be therapeutic [LINK]
That's it for me. Have a great weekend ahead!
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