Weekend Bulletin - 16 Dec'22 : Ed. 117
A compilation of few interesting, multi-disciplinary links from the internet
“If interest rates are artificially kept too low in relation to risks, there will be a reduction in both saving and lending.... The effect of keeping interest rates artificially low, in fact, is eventually the same as that of keeping any other price below the natural market. It increases demand and reduces supply. It increases the demand for capital and reduces the supply of real capital. It creates economic distortions. It is true, no doubt, that an artificial reduction in the interest rate encourages increased borrowing. It tends, in fact, to encourage highly speculative ventures that cannot continue except under the artificial conditions that give them birth. On the supply side, the artificial reduction of interest rates discourages normal thrift, saving, and investment. It reduces the accumulation of capital. It slows down that increase in productivity, that ‘economic growth,’ that ‘progressives’ profess to be so eager to promote.” —Henry Hazlitt
Why Competitive Advantages Die - By Morgan Housel [LINK]
The only thing harder than gaining a competitive edge is not losing that advantage when you have one. That’s as true for careers and investment strategies as it is for business. And since people are naturally optimistic, there’s a tendency to put more thought into finding an edge than not losing it once you find one.
Howard Marks memo: Sea Change [LINK]
In his latest memo, Howard Marks writes that the investment world may be experiencing the third major sea change of the last 50 years. Events in recent years – especially the spike in inflation and the Federal Reserve’s response – appear to have caused a reversal of the market conditions that prevailed after the Global Financial Crisis and for much of the last four decades. Howard discusses what this potentially new era could mean for lenders, especially bargain hunters.
Picture Limitless Creativity at Your Fingertips - by Kevin Kelly [LINK]
Artificial intelligence can now make better art than most humans. Soon, these engines of wow will transform how we design just about everything.
A century of serious difficulty [LINK]
Seriousness doesn’t stand against humor; it stands against unmeaning—nonsense and mockery... [It] is not a defensive posture; it’s a stance but one that invites the discovery & making of meaning. It’s easier to chicken out, maybe increasingly easy. It’s difficult to be haunted
[FC Youtube] Nov-22 subscribers Q&A [LINK]
Thread : Nolan’s hate for CGI has given us some insane cinematic shots [LINK]
The talented Mr. (Amit) Trivedi [LINK]
A candid conversation : RRR and Raga [LINK]
[FC Podcast] Fear and Greed at CY23 threshold [LINK]
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That's it for me. Have a great weekend ahead!
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