Best of 2021 - Investing & Personal Finance
A compilation of few interesting, multi-disciplinary links from the internet
[Standard disclaimer : This is a personal favourite list of 15 best articles, videos & podcasts of 2021 in no particular order of preference. The only filter I have put is maximum 1 piece of a particular author]
[Next edition of the AKG weekend readings will be published on 7th Jan, 2022. In the meanwhile expect some year-end posts of the best of 2021 articles, podcasts, videos and my recommendations over the next few days]
TPK with Shane Parrish : Joel Greenblatt on Investing made simple
Morgan Housel : Experts From A World That No Longer Exists
Blair Duquesnay : How old school investors need constant adaptation in today’s world
Justin Castelli : Be responsible. Plan. Save. But make sure you live life!
Shyam Shekhar : Protecting yourself from the consensus trade
Anand Sridharan : Does ‘hold forever’ work in Investing?
Monika Halan : The financial horror of adult raja betas and rani bitiyas
Joshua M Brown : The new fear and Greed
Ben Carlson : It’s ok to build wealth slowly
Michael Batnick : What is top shot?
Christine Benz : There is more to investing than just risk and return
Jason Zweig : When a 59% annual return is just not enough
Vishal Khandelwal : What to do when there’s no stock to buy
Invest Like the Best Podcast: Balaji Srinivasan - Optimizing Your Inputs
Stanley Druckenmiller on What Makes a Great Investor
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